
Monday, March 30, 2015

Friends Are The Family You Choose

Over the last couple of months I have learned to rely on my friends and appreciate them more than I had in the past. That’s not saying that I never appreciated them or that I took them for granted. Quite the opposite in fact. When you grow up without friends you truly do appreciate the ones you make in later years. And those friendships usually turn out to be genuine friendships, not the drama filled superficial friendships that most people make in their teen years.

I have never been the most social of people. I prefer small gatherings of a few friends over large crowds any day. I generally don’t know how to talk to strangers and it takes me a while to feel comfortable around people. I’ve been called a ‘recluse’ and I really can’t counter that. I’m much more likely to stay in and read a book than go out and drink the night away.

Thank goodness for friends. When I was abandoned by the one person who I had felt would never leave, it was my friends that got me to leave home and take my mind off of things for a while. It was my friends that stuck beside me and listened to me, whether it be in tears or depressed or whatnot. And I can’t say that I’ve made things easy for them. I’m sure there are some of them that dread it when they see that I’ve sent a text to them! But the fact is that my friends were there for me and continue to be.

From Cassie, who has been my rock and sounding-board, to Deanna, my coffee mate, and everyone else that has listened to me and offered kind words and advice. I wish that I can be as good of a friend to you as you all are for me.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dress to Impress

I’ve spent the last 7 weeks or so wearing a more… grown-up wardrobe when I’ve left my place. Generally more button-ups and less superhero clothing showing (though the t-shirts underneath are usually superhero related). I’ve also only worn a hat once in the last 7 weeks. That is a big deal. And I’ve heard mixed opinions on it. The girls at work all like the hat-less look. The regulars, however, aren’t exactly sure what to make of it.

But why the change in clothing? Why now? Well, to be brutally honest, the grown-up/casual look is hopefully going to get me noticed. Noticed at work and make me more tips, noticed by potential employers (and first impressions count for EVERYTHING), and hopefully noticed by the opposite sex.

It is an unfortunate thing that we live in a world where people make instant judgments on people solely based on appearances and not from getting to know people. That being said, I’m trying to ‘dress to impress’ lately. I would much rather be ruled out of someone’s mind based on who I am as opposed to how I look and dress. And I haven’t done away with all of my superhero clothes. I still wear them, I’m just trying to look more put together than I have been. And more put together than I actually am. I still wear my Sinceriously shirt quite often.

I’m also trying to be happy and positive. I can’t say that I succeed all the time, or even most of the time, but I’m trying. And maybe dressing a bit better will help me have a more positive and upbeat outlook on things. You never know. And I think it’s worth a try.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Superhero Effect

Why, oh why, am I drawn to superheroes? Why do I read comic books and watch all the superhero movies/tv shows? I honestly wish I could tell you. Maybe it’s because through comic books I’ve learned so much about who I am and how I’m supposed to behave.

To anyone who really knows me, it’s no surprise that I had to grow up very fast. Life circumstances and all. And living in the middle of nowhere (as it has been referred to) didn’t mean there were a lot of options to go out and do things around town. That left me a lot of opportunity to play outside in the yard and trees around our house. That also left me a lot of opportunity to read comics and fantasy books. It also meant I watched Star Wars. A lot. The name of this blog sprouts from one of my first great loves. But superheroes… They’ve always had a place in my heart. And they will always continue to.

There are pictures of my when I was little (very little) with superhero action figures. The good old “Super Powers” action figures from the early 80’s. Ah man, those were the best! Batman; Superman; Green Lantern; The Flash… Those were my heroes. Those were the people that I looked up to. Always ready to do the RIGHT thing, no matter what people thought. Ready to put their lives on the line for morals and ethics and their beliefs. True heroes in every sense of the word.

And through my years of reading comics I’ve learned a few things about myself. They’ve inspired me to want to live a healthy lifestyle and be all that I can be (as in Operation: Superhero) and to communicate more openly and Sinceriously. Not to sound clichĂ© or whatnot, but I want to be Superman. Or Batman. Or The Flash. I DON’T want to be Lex Luthor. Or Two Face. Or Captain Cold (ok.. Maybe Captain Cold would be alright. Sure, he’s a villain, but he’s a villain with a strict code of ethics and a high sense honour). And I definitely don’t want to be The Joker. I want to stand up for what I believe in. I want to do the right thing, no matter who is watching or if I’m standing alone. I want to be looked up to by future generations, be it my own future kids or people that I’ve had the opportunity to touch their lives in some way, because my actions were good. I want to be a good person.

And maybe that’s why I enjoy cosplaying at the Expos. When I’m dressed as a Jedi, I can BE a Jedi for a little while and inspire a child that is having issues of his own. We all have issues and moments of doubt and insecurity. God knows I’ve had my own share of those lately. But hey, even Superman had to learn how to fly.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Second Winter

I must admit that I haven’t done much of anything this week besides what I’ve already written about (that being my fruitless hunt for a kitchen table). Aside from that it’s been killing myself with work, watching Lois and Clark again or being depressed over life at the moment (read this if you don’t know what I’m talking about). So all in all, it’s been your everyday typical week.

I suppose the weather is a good indicator of my mood lately. At the beginning of last week we were starting to look like spring. 15 degrees and all the snow was melting. But over night it dropped to -10 and brought about half a foot of snow. I like to think of a modified version of an exchange in the ‘Fellowship of the Rings’ movie:
“But what about Winter?” 
“You’ve already had it.”  
“We’ve had one, yes. But this Canada. What about Second Winter?”
Ah yes, our infamous Second Winter. It is only March after all. And we do live on Hoth. Or North of the Wall. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

But all that talk about the actual weather aside. At the beginning of last week I was feeling pretty good. And then, just like the weather, my mood dropped and I haven’t been able to crawl out of my own winter yet. But, if the weather is any indication, then my Spring, with fresh plants and clear skies really is just over the horizon. And if I just keep on walking in the right direction, it’ll be here in no time. And before I know it I’ll be on my second trip to Europe.

I’ve also been reading some Hemingway. ‘The Sun Always Rises’. One of my regulars, Jay, recommended it because of my upcoming trip to Spain. I must admit, I’m 45% complete the book (thank you, Kobo, for the exact percentage) and I still have no clue what it’s about… It is, of course, very dated writing. Some of the terminologies used leave me scratching my head wondering if people actually spoke that way. But it’s no different than listening to one of the Old Radio Shows. I’ll finish the book, but I’m kind of lost on the purpose of it.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Nights at the Kitchen Table

Ah, the kitchen table. A glorious thing. It brings people together. It is an impromptu desk, an eating environment, a gathering place for friends, a convenient junk collection spot much like the counter. It could be what happiness is made of. Or it creates happiness. One or the other.

After a month or so without a table, my friend Cassie and I went on a hunt to Ikea to pick one up. I had one picked out and had made trips twice before only to find that they were out of stock both times. And with that kitchen table assembled and in my dining room, I’m going to have a games night!
The only time that I’ve really had friends over, we had my friend and his fiancĂ© over for dinner. I cooked. We hosted and chatted. But aside from that I never really felt comfortable having friends over. All that’s changed. The apartment is mine now. I don’t have to share the space with anyone anymore. I can leave wet towels on the couch and walk around pants-less if I want to (not saying that it does or doesn’t happen..). It’s kind of great.

So Cassie and I, we scour Ikea, looking at all the different displays and items and such, as you must do when you wander Ikea. We find the display table that I want and take the information down. “Aisle 21 – Bin 23”. We wander some more before heading down to the actual ‘purchasable items’ area.

I’m also on the hunt for some pictures of sail boats (preferably black and white) to hang in my half-bath so the walls don’t look so bare. I figured Ikea would be a good place to look. Alas, no pictures of boats. Oh well. On to the reason for the trip!

We grab one of their carts and head to Aisle 21, Bin 23. Ikea carts are notorious for having a mind of their own. They aren’t exactly the easiest things to navigate around. Eventually we make our way to the area that we want. Glorious, glorious kitchen table! How I need thee! And…

“Temporarily Oversold”. Third time’s a charm? Not so. Still no kitchen table in my dining room. I guess games night is getting postponed… Sigh…