To be honest, I was expecting to feel nervous, but it just never happened. While on the ground I was
perfectly fine and then started to believe that I would start feeling nervous
once the door was opened. Again, it never came. Adrenaline and excitement filled that space. Even the jump didn’t
cause nerves. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t jumping solo.
My jump instructor was Ben, a fellow North American
originally from Colorado, USA. He’s now living in New Zealand doing a job that
he loves. We were also accompanied by a photographer by the name of Matt, who
photographed and documented the whole experience. All the photos are his handy
work (except for the pretty awesome first photo, taken by fellow skydiver Danielle)!
The initial rush and spectacular scenery make it all worth
while. Sixteen thousand feet (16,000ft)
seems to go by so fast, yet also seems to take a while. There was just over one minute of freefall before the
parachute was deployed, and if I were to guess I would say probably another
four minutes before reaching the ground. But don’t quote me on that. I wasn’t
paying attention to time at all.
It was an expensive day, but I’m glad I pushed myself to do
it regardless of the price.
Picture #2 (and an extreme fear of falling) are the reason homey don't skydive!