Monday, February 23, 2015

You're in CISN Country

A persons tastes change drastically over the years. From literal tastes as in food, to the more materialistic tastes in the types of clothes you wear and the preferential tastes of your choice in movies and hobbies... Tastes grow with the person.

One thing that hasn't changed for me is my taste in music. Okay, that's not entirely true. I've added musical choices to my playlists. But my one constant and true first musical love is country music. No other type of music stirs me quite so much. No other type of music resonates with me as much.

And my constant radio station has ALWAYS been CISN Country. For the entirety of my 30 year lifespan, CISN has been there for me. Good times or bad, they have been preset one on my radio dial. I've stuck with them through DJs coming and going, music artists retiring and new ones popping up. And I can honestly say that I will always continue to listen.

Thank you to all the personalities and staff at CISN. You make my drives and random radio listening as enjoyable as you possibly can.

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