#1. The first
Item on my list was travel. That, my
friends, was a resounding success. To be fair, I had booked my flights before I
made the list and once I made it into Spain I didn’t venture much past
Barcelona, but it still counts and it was an item to check off my list. While I
was away I met some incredible people and had a ton of fun (both of which were
on my list. Items 4 and 7 to be exact), but it went beyond
that. It reaffirmed that I can be alone and that I can be alright with it.
#2. Next up was Operation: Superhero. Alas, that one
did not make it onto my list of accomplishments for the year. Fitness and
Wellbeing will always be a goal, I just need to make a solid commitment to it
and stop making excuses. And some monetary funds to pay for aikido and yoga
would be nice too… However, my real failure is lack of motivation and, again,
commitment. Hopefully 2016 sees a reversal in that.
Now, I’m not saying that I wasn’t active at all over the
year. There were spurts of activity throughout the summer months and into the
fall, just not as much as I would have hoped. I probably spent more time running this summer than I ever have
before and I did partake in Edmonton’s first Wanderlust Festival in August. I just need to keep it regular and
#3. Who would
have thought that as a writer (or wannabe writer if we’re being accurate)
communication was something that I would need to work on? It wasn’t just
communication that I wanted to work on, but Sincerious Communication. Having this blog has been a great help
with that. As a writer I produce my clearest communication in writing, not so
much in verbalizing. I feel that through here I’ve been able to open up about
my thoughts and feelings better than I have been before. Not a complete
success, but not quite a failure either. Just an item to continue to work on.
#4. I mentioned
that I had met some incredible people while I was travelling and let me tell
you, it was pretty awesome! I met some incredible people from around the world,
some of which I’m still in contact with. If I wasn’t travelling alone, I most
likely wouldn’t have put myself out there like I did, and I wouldn’t have met
half the people that I did.
#5. Downsizing material items that I don’t
need never ever happened… However, I didn’t acquire
as many items either. Just another thing to carry over to next year.
#6. I didn’t want
to spend my money on frivolous items. See the above point for that one.
#7. I had wanted
to go out and have fun and that has
been another big accomplishment. Not only with travel, but here at home too. I
spent much more time socializing with friends and just enjoying myself. Sure, I
didn’t do any of my usual things that I like to do. I never made it to Fort Edmonton Park, or down to the St. Albert Farmer’s Market, or camping and
fishing. But I did my share of entertaining things throughout the year from Wanderlust to heading out for drinks and darts with friends. You don’t always
have to be on the move and have an event to go to to have fun, and I’ve enjoyed
both my alone time and the time I’ve been surrounded by people.
#8. This is a
hard point to measure on a success or failure scale. How do you decide if
you’ve taken something for granted?
All that is done in hindsight I suppose. What I can say, though, is that I’ve
put a more effort into just being present in the moment, and not worrying about
what’s behind me or what is ahead. And that, I think, is the meaning of taking
something for granted. Not being in the moment to fully appreciate it.
#9. This one, I
think is probably my biggest success of the year. Strengthening the relationships with my friends. I’ve gotten to
spend much more time with my friends and truly appreciate them. They’ve been
there with me throughout my lowest lows of the year and as I said in my Thanksgiving Post, now they get to see
me happy and finally me again.

I’m not going to point out which items I succeeded on and
which ones I didn’t. To be honest, I don’t really care. This year was one of
learning and growing and by that mentality, all the points were a success.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Chad!