However, as varied as our wonderful country is it’s still
much the same from one part to another. I want to go and experience new and
different cultures. See incredible sights that I could never see by staying in
North America. I want to enrich myself in the most rewarding way that I can at
this moment in time. I want to go on an adventure.
Of all the books in
the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a Passport.
Quite possibly no truer words have ever been written. I’m an
avid reader. I read ALL THE TIME. And all the best stories involve a journey.
Wandering travelers on an adventure or quest, such as Lord of the Rings, where Tolkien describes vast landscapes and
differing cultures. Or individuals traveling and seeking knowledge, such as
Miyamoto Musashi traveling feudal Japan to work on his swordsmanship. Or
Homer’s ancient Greek epics The Iliad
and The Odyssey. The examples truly are
endless. But one of the best books that you could possibly own is your
You are, quite literally, the hero of your own adventure.
That adventure is what you call ‘life’. Unfortunately too many people in this
world settle for the mundane; the ordinary; the comfortable. They don’t
actually live and their adventures revolve around living vicariously through other people via books, or movies, or
tabloids. They focus too much on what other people are doing and how they are
living their lives that they forget to live their own. Their adventure is
blindly following someone else around and wishing that they, themselves, could do
something fun and exciting. If that truly is the case, then I want to be the person that someone else lives vicariously through.
If you don't get lost, there's a chance you may never be found.
When I went to Spain Barcelona, it was for a completely different reason than why I want to travel now. I was proving to myself that I COULD go alone and, to be honest, I really didn't do much there. It was a bit of reflecting and getting over whatever it was that I was going through at the start of last year. Looking back, it was definitely what I needed at the time, and as grateful as I am to myself for doing it, I would like to experience more and varied things when I travel. I want to learn about different histories and hear stories of ancient heroes from long ago. I want to find new places and possibly new ways of thinking. I want to grow as a person.
Travel is the only
thing you buy that makes you rich.
When most people think of being rich, they think of money and
physical possessions. When I think of being rich, I think of having experiences
and knowledge. I would much rather enrich my life, not my bank account. I just
want to have good friends, plenty of travels, and stories based on experience.
Really, is that too much to ask?
I disagree with your comment, "travel is the only thing you buy that makes you rich". You bought a D&D set (see you last post) and that's made you rich being the price of the books and dice.
ReplyDeleteAnything that you buy that enriches your enjoyment of your ride in the satellite that doesn't negatively affect others can buy you riches.
The most interesting thing I see in over a year's worth of blogging is the discovery of self that I've noticed. You may not be at a point where you can admit it yet but, for someone who has always claimed to never be a people person, the things you've posted about and those that seem to bring you the most joy seem to be relating to people (how's that for a run-on sentence?!?!). Relationship loss, investment in new relationships, travelling and meeting new people, playing D&D with people, going out more often with people... before someone knows it, you may be turning into a
the people-person you never thought you were. I don't think that's a bad thing. There are so many awesome things you bring to people, it'd really be a shame to hide them away in a hermit's cave. Keep awesoming!