Sunday, February 8, 2015

Orange Is The New Fit

With the re-launch of Operation: Superhero I’ve been quite active this past week. I’ve gone swimming once, made my return to Aikido and had two classes (feels very good to be back on the mats) and I tried a trial class at Orange Theory Fitness. Holy hell, that was a workout.

Just a little disclaimer here. I’m generally not a fitness nut. I don’t go out of my way to exercise. Aikido is an interest, hobby and fun for me. I’ve also realized that it is a way of life and I am passionate about it. As for swimming, it’s fun when you have someone to go with. Dani loves swimming, though it’s more just splashing about in the water. I’m a fan of the hot tub. That all said, I generally don’t work out. I rely on my metabolism to keep me lean.

Orange Theory, though… That’s something else. Roughly a half hour of cardio and a half hour of weight training. All with verbal cues from a trainer. It was quite intense. Especially for someone who is just getting into fitness. AND I’ve never lifted weights before. I could definitely feel the cramps coming. It's a bit much to explain in a simple blog post. Check out their website here.

And even through all that, I enjoyed it. For a little while I was able to take my mind off of my personal issues and focus on something else. It didn’t KEEP my mind occupied however. As soon as the class was over and I was changed back into street clothes, my thoughts invaded me anew.

I guess long story short, I would continue to do it if I can afford it. It is quite pricey. Just gotta save those tips and see if I can afford two monthly fees (aikido and Orange Theory and if so, in no time I’ll have that Superhero physique and a better lifestyle.

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